Spring Adventures

I said I would try some new adventures while I’m not running, so here’s a sample of the shenanigans in the Osgood household and beyond:

I read a lot of books.

I cooked some food (BREAD!  KitchenAid mixer is a life changer). This was from our first CSA this week; so far I do not like kale, but we sautéed the swiss chard, bok choy, and garlic scapes:



I signed up for a pottery class, first time back on the wheel since high school. My first few pieces were rough but my muscle memory started coming back after a few weeks.



I went to Chicago to see The Rocket Summer – again, this is the second time I’ve seen him at the Subterranean in Wicker Park.

Along with two classmates, I hosted an education and advocacy event on campus as part of our SW 822 class.  It was awesome.

This sounds like I’ve been busy, and I have, but I also know that sometimes I have to sit my butt down and let my body rest and heal, so I’ve also been doing a lot of this.


Crazy cat lady life.

One last picture from Memorial Weekend in Traverse City – Eben ran the half at Bayshore (I sold my half bib to a friend), and after we did some wine tasting. I wish we could have stayed longer here at Sutton Ciders, they had the BEST view.


After I get more pictures off my phone I’ll write a post about our camping trip last weekend. We have a lot of weekends up north or at Lake Michigan for other trips, so I am excited for this summer!

4 thoughts on “Spring Adventures

  1. Can’t wait to (hopefully) see you soon! I need to check out that venue in Wicker Park! I’m going to be working over there.


    1. Yay Chicago life! Yes definitely check out Subt… I really love it, its tall and narrow so the concert venue is on the second floor with a third floor mezzanine around it, it’s hard for the bands to load in and out but if you can get up front its a great show. Or watch from the third floor. If/when The Rocket Summer is back we can go together 😀


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